Hand to Hold App
Gives parents convenient access to all of Hand to hold’s virtual support services, parent communities, podcasts, and educational library 24/7. All NICU and bereaved parents are welcome and support is provided at no cost to families.

Educational Resources
Reviewed by licensed counselors and Hand to Hold’s Medical Advisory Board, these articles will help NICU Professionals better support NICU parents and babies and can be shared with NICU parents to help ease their transition.

Podcast: NICU Babies, Parent Support
A podcast for all NICU parents. Listen while on bedrest, in the NICU, commuting to and fro from the hospital for the visits with your baby, and in your post-NICU life, when many still need support.

Referral Cards
Our Hand to Hold Referral Card provides an overview of Hand to Hold’s resources and services and is perfect for including in parent packets or displaying in your NICU waiting area.
Available in English and Spanish.

Nursing CEU Credits
NICU Heroes is Hand to Hold’s podcast for NICU Professionals. Each episode allows for the opportunity to earn one hour of continuing education credits unless otherwise noted.

Questions? Comments?
We would love to hear them!